Clinic Management System Using PHP

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DESCRIPTION: Clinic Management System project in PHP will look after all the work which are being done manually by working staff members in a particular clinic. The main objective of clinic management system is to automate the working process of a particular clinic. Clinic management system will provide various information directly from the database which eliminate the process of re-entering the data and scheduling of work between working personnel automatically using scheduled data which has been set by the admin. Please visit php projects download and PHP projects for more projects. Clinic Management System project in PHP also able to prepare the payment bills and salary statement of each employee using their working days and payment amount using amount table just by one click. Clinic Management System project in PHP helps to store appointment schedule between doctors and customers, price data for medical store under any clinic, maintain database record of each working employees using their database and admin will have the authority to perform various operations on it such as update, delete, search etc. This is free clinic management system project which can be downloaded from this page with clinic management system database. Clinic Management System project in PHP also store other information which will help to serve their patients in time such as blood group information, age, sex, date of birth, their problems, doctor’s prescription, medicine details for each patients and final preparation of bills for each patients and salary preparation for each working employees. Other projects such as hospital management and doctor management can be found on php project topics page. EXISTING PROJECT SYSTEM: Present Clinic Management System project in PHP is not able to store details of appointment between doctors and patients thus increasing paper work and maintaining hard copy of appointment details. Current clinic management system is not having the facility of storing and maintaining database for each patience who have visited earlier in their clinic. Admin do not have the facility to find the type of doctors who are working for their clinic and do not able to get their specialty details. Present clinic management system is also not able to maintain blood group database along with the details of their donors and recipients.