Student Database Management System in C and C++

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This is a simple student database management system developed in C++. It utilizes file handling and shows effective implementation of class and object of the programming language. This project will teach you how to add, list, modify and delete records in file in C++ language. It is very simple to understand, and the source code too is not that long, just under 200 lines. [caption id="attachment_25211" align="alignnone" width="522"]Student Database Management System in C, C++ Student Database Management System in C, C++[/caption] Developed as a console application without GUI, this student database system project uses file to store the students’ information mentioned in the features below. You need to compile the source code in Code::Blocks using the GCC compiler. Basic four features make up most of this project, but you can write your own code to add more features, and make this project more effective and better overall. You can add “Search Records” feature.